Friday, September 10, 2010

Camping with Friends

We were fortunate to go up to Pineview and have dinner with some friends. The Mill's, Houston's, Smith's and us took up our foil dinners which Jared burned in the fire and roasted marshmellows. The kids played horseshoess. Jared and Micah had a run in with the law. Ok they were law wantabees. The caretaker came over and asked us to move our cars or pay. Jared and Micah explained that we were just up there to have dinner with our friends and that we will be gone that night. The caretaker gave us an hour. He kept circling our camp site and staring at us. Of course my husband can't keep his mouth shut so he started getting the caretaker all riled up. Someone asked to speak to the supervisor and they came and wanted to give us a ticket. Long story short Jared paid $15 and the cost was $14. They said here is your dollar and Jared said keep it as a tip. That didn't make them to happy. Either way they left and we had such a great time.
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